Saturday, April 23, 2011

Evaluating web sites

The ever-growing abundant information available on the web is the best resource for students. We can search the web for any topic. The key is the way we search for information. Often the resulting web pages may contain information that is incorrect and inappropriate, both subject wise and content wise.

You can take precautions to help insure that students do not find their way to questionable contents. Organizations like schools and libraries may have to use automated software and hardware tools to manage Internet access and usage.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


"The most dangerous place an African-American is in the womb", true or false? That is one of the most important question people should think about. Are abortions good or bad? I think that abortions should not be allowed, but you still have to put your self in the other persons place (a woman). It takes 2 to make a baby, but thats y most people use a condom to avoid those isues. The couple might have economic problems and they might not be the ready for that responsability. Thats why a couple should have a condom or atleast be carefull with what they're doing.


What does DOMA do? Is it fair?

Well i belive people should leave homosexualas alone. They dont bother no body at all. they'er actualy cool and fun. People need to stop messing with them because karma will get them. Maybe one day people will have a homosexual child and they wont be able to do nothing but support them.